Friday, September 21, 2012

Foodie Friday + Challenge Update

Challenge = FAIL.

Okay, I know that isn't much of an update, but I have still been snacking and not eating so great. A few things that I did notice changed about my eating habits - I made better choices for the most part (a banana instead of cookies, natural PB instead of JIF, etc), I didn't worry or stress over what I was eating, but I didn't just add ingredients with abandon when I cooked, either. I find that I'm an all-or-nothing kinda girl; I either measure each ingredient and go as low-fat/low-cal/low-taste as I can, or I just throw it all in thinking "MMMM THIS IS GONNA BE GOOOOOOD!" and add about a pound of cheese. This is only a slight exaggeration.

I think the challenge has proven what I wanted it to, though. That I CAN eat a little healthier and still eat, and not count calories and feel a whole lot better about me. That's what I'm glad to see - a little less self-loathing all around.

Anyway, on to Foodie Friday!

I posted a picture on Facebook of an amazing recipe that I had found at Around the Table and tweaked a bit to my liking, and had about a million (read: 4) requests for the recipe. So I've decided to share what I did with each of you. And no, there are NO pictures of the process, just the finished product. And boy, were these goooooood.

So without further ado, I give you:

Cheesy Quinoa & Broccoli Muffins: Recipe adapted from Around the Table


  • 1 1/2 cups dry quinoa (don't forget to rinse it!)
  • Broccoli
  • pinch of salt
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
  • 1 1/2 cups grated Cheddar cheese (I used Sharp Cheddar...mmmm)
  • Optional- Cayenne (Red) Pepper, seasoning of your choice (I used Wildtree Smoked Mozz Dip)
  • Toppings - Crushed pretzels
  1. Cook your quinoa according to package directions (about 15 minutes) and allow to cool. For extra flavor, cook it in chicken or vegetable broth.
  2. Sautee broccoli, cool and then mince.
  3. Preheat oven to 350 F.
  4. Grease a large muffin tin with PAM, butter, or any oil of your choice. I used PAM.
  5. Whisk together eggs, milk, yogurt, salt, garlic, and your seasonings in a large bowl.
  6. Add cooled quinoa, cooled broccoli and cheese, stirring well to be sure to mix it all up!
  7. Fill your muffin tins. Because I was adapting this recipe from one that was originally made in a 9x13 pan, I ended up with some leftovers. I froze my leftovers for an individual "someday" serving.
  8. Crush pretzels and sprinkle over top, then bake for 30-35 minutes or until the pretzels brown or the egg sets. Just keep an eye on em!
  9. Allow to cool after baking for about 10 minutes, then enjoy!
The finished product - yummy!
These were really quite delicious, and in fact Kevin came home and ate 4 of them. I was shocked - quinoa is not his favorite thanks to its odd texture. However, due to the double-cook method used in this recipe, it was very soft and he said much more palatable than usual. Obviously! They also reheated REALLY well, and in fact I had some for lunch and was happy with their flavor and texture. I think I'll try making a few batches next time and freezing to see how they work out! 

These could be made so many different ways, with a different combination of cheeses, spices, toppings, vegetables, you name it! Quinoa is such a versatile grain, and with 6 grams of protein per serving, it sure beats carb-y, empty calorie rice. You could still make this recipe in a 9x13 pan, but the muffin tins make individual servings easy and leftovers even easier.

Enjoy :)


Leanne said...

These sound delicious!!! What a great idea! Glad you liked the recipe! :) My husband didn't eat quinoa for a year because he told me it looked like fish eyes! Lol

Lexi Stepps said...

Thank you for the inspiration! That is EXACTLY what my husband said about the texture - too funny :)

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