Tuesday, October 30, 2012

8 Weeks

So, I'll admit it. I slipped up in my commitments, and not only to blogging at least once a week. I slipped up in my healthy eating, working out, etc. After receiving a text (thanks, Heather) asking "What happened to your blog???", I've decided to come back. So...welcome back to me.

Anyway, we're exactly 8 weeks from Christmas Day today. WHAT?!?!? Where did 2012 go? In a last ditch effort to NOT be part of the group of people who gains about 10-12 pounds during the holiday season, I've decided to start up a program that got me in shape 2 years ago: Couch to 5k.

If you're not familiar with it, Couch to 5k (or C25k, for those in the know) is a 9 week interval running program designed to get you running 3 miles (5k) in 30 minutes. Sounds like it would really suck, right? Since I'm a C25k graduate, I'm here to tell you that it's not nearly as torturous as you might expect. It's actually fairly easy; run/walk 3 days a week for 30 minutes. The 1st day of Week 1 has you doing a 5 minute warm-up, followed by alternating 1 minute of jogging with 1.5 minutes of jogging for a total of 20 minutes, ending with another 5 minute cool-down walk. EASY. I'm telling you, if my out-of-shape butt could go from loathing running to loving running (and even doing a 5k in 31 minutes) in just 9 weeks, then anyone can do it.

If you're an iPhone user, there is an app for that. Search for Couch-to-5k from active.com, it's the best app out there! I believe they also have an app for Droid, and if you don't even have a smart phone (but really, who doesn't?), check out this website for the print-out of the intervals and buy yourself a stopwatch!

So what are you waiting for? ANYONE can squeeze 30 minutes of exercise into their day just 3 times a week. Even you. ESPECIALLY you! Don't you deserve it? I know that I do :)

Talk at ya soon!


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